Trade Credit Indemnity

Trade Without The Risk of Default

Extending credit is a vital component in remaining competitive but it has become all too clear from recent times, that the inability to collect receivables owing to the default or insolvency of the debtor can often lead to the demise of an otherwise successful business. 

No longer can the assumption be made that a potential customer is too big or too established to fail, recent times have borne witness to household names in almost every sector falling victim to market turbulence often leaving creditors with the weight of unpaid receivables once thought of as secure.

Peace of Mind

Trade Credit Indemnity affords the ultimate protection against debtor default or insolvency and in addition offers safeguards via:

Alarm Bells

Hopefully the early warning system will prevent customers extending credit to companies whose ability to pay is uncertain, but even where good judgement is exercised things can go wrong and a once reliable debtor can suddenly present the greatest risk of non payment. When extending credit there can be no greater safeguard for the unforeseen than Trade Credit Indemnity.